Il leggendario cantante David Bowie è morto dopo una lotta di 18 mesi con il cancro ai polmoni e noi vogliamo ricordarlo come merita e per quello che è riuscito a dare alla musica.
Il 69 enne è stato circondato dalla sua famiglia e in una dichiarazione il suo agente ha chiesto al pubblico di rispettare la “privacy della famiglia durante il loro momento di dolore.”
L’icona del pop ha appena pubblicato il suo 25° album in studio “Blackstar” e un video musicale per la canzone ‘Lazarus’, che lo raffigura avvolto in bende su un letto d’ospedale. Magari sperava in una sorta di rinascita da questa malattia, la speranza nella risurrezione come avvenne per Lazzaro, resuscitato da Gesù Cristo. Una canzone che guarda anche ad un futuro già segnato.
Ecco però 13 dei suoi più famosi testi realizzati in una carriera durata decenni e che ha raggiunto diverse generazioni.
- Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth
‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide’ from The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972)
- For years and years I roamed, I gazed a gazeless stare
‘The Man Who Sold the World’ from The Man Who Sold the World (1970)
- Spend some time together/
So hologramic, oh my T V C one five /
My baby’s in there someplace /
Love’s rating in the sky
‘TVC 15’ from Station to Station (1976)
- And these children that you spit on/
As they try to change their worlds/
Are immune to your consultations/
They’re quite aware of what they’re going through
Changes’, from Hunky Dory (1971)
- The sun machine is coming down/
and we’re gonna have a party
‘Memory of a Free Festival’ from David Bowie (1969)
- There’s a starman waiting in the sky/
He’d like to come and meet us/
But he thinks he’d blow our minds
‘Starman’ from The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972)
- News guy wept when he told us Earth was really dying/
Cried so much that his face was wet/
Then I knew he was not lying
‘Five Years’, from The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972)
- Let’s dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues
‘Let’s Dance’ from Let’s Dance (1983)
- It’s big and it’s bland full of tension and fear/
They do it over there but we don’t do it here
‘Fashion’ from Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (1980)
- I’m not a prophet or a stone aged man/
Just a mortal with potential of a superman/
I’m living on
‘Quicksand’ from Hunky Dory (1971)
- This is Major Tom to Ground Control/
I’m stepping through the door/
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way/
And the stars look very different today
‘Space Oddity’ from David Bowie (1969)
- So what you wanna know Calamity’s child, Where’d you wanna go? What can I do for you? Looks like you’ve been there too
‘Rebel Rebel’ from Diamond Dogs (1974)
- Look up here, I’m in heaven/
I’ve got scars, that can’t be seen
‘Lazarus’, from Blackstar (2016)
Traduzione: Guardate qui, Sono in paradiso /
Ho cicatrici, che non possono essere viste
RIP David Bowie, 1947-2016.